The AFDO logo with Australian Federation of Disability Organisations next to it

Are you in the loop?

Let's Yarn

Let's Yarn banner image

The Let's Yarn page is a bit different from other pages on the Disability Loop website, because it has been made especially for people with Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander backgrounds to help them learn about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and feel welcome. 

Groups that represent Aboriginal people with disabilities are worried that they might not get good help from the NDIS, like lots of other Australians will. This might be the same for other disadvantaged groups. This might be because:

  • they might not have access to helpful information
  • they might not identify as being someone who has a disability
  • they might not trust programs that are connected to the government
  • they might not understand how the NDIS could change things for the better

We are talking to organisations that represent Aboriginal people with a disability, to find out how we can make information about the NDIS more accessible. We will get some advice on how to make the Let's Yarn section of Disability Loop as good as possible. Then we will update this page.

If you have any suggestions or comments about this page, please contact us.


The New South Wales (NSW) Government has produced a series of 5 fact sheets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities from NSW. They are:

The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Disability Network QLD have made a video about a man who is looking forward to the NDIS so he can make changes to his home, like wider doorways. This video has open captions and Auslan.


The First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) have made a video you may be interested in. We have embedded it below. It has open captions, and one section in Auslan. You can also read the transcript here


This video has 30 short narrative-style interviews with Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people with disability, with captions. 

Visit our resources section for more NDIS fact sheets, videos, links, and much more.