Website - Deaf Australia
28 May 2015
Deaf Australia is the national peak organisation representing Deaf and hard of hearing people and wider community that uses Auslan (Australian Sign Language). They have a selection of articles and resources on the NDIS and an online resources shop.
Report - Disability Loop Gap Analysis Roundtable One
15 May 2015
Disability Loop hosted a roundtable in February 2015. A roundtable is a meeting where people come together to talk about something and work out what should happen next. Groups that represent people with disability across the country were invited. These groups talked about NDIS projects, about gaps in the information about the NDIS, and more. We put all of the information about this meeting into a report. You can read or download this report here.
Booklet - What is the NDIS?
28 April 2015
This booklet from the National Disability Insurance Agency gives basic information about the NDIS. It has two pages.
You can get it in eight different languages.
Website - Every Australian Counts
26 April 2015
The Every Australian Counts campaign was critical in making sure the NDIS became a reality. Every Australian Counts is here to make sure the NDIS is delivered as promised and is the best it can be.
Website - Self managing your funding
26 April 2015
In Control Australia has a newsletter, resources and online peer support groups for people who want to manage their own funding. Website last updated 2012.
Website - Therapy Choices
25 April 2015
This website gives information about what different kinds of therapists – such as podiatrists, orthoptists and audiologists – do. It also has information on how to contact a therapist locally.
Website - Physical Disability Australia
25 April 2015
Physical Disability Australia is a national disability peak organisation (they represent people with physical disabilities in Australia). Their website also has a handy list of links to external resources.
Website - Homelessness Australia
24 April 2015
Homelessness Australia is the national peak body for homelessness in Australia. They provide systemic advocacy for the homelessness sector. This means they talk to the Government, and other groups, about how to make things better for people who are homeless in Australia. They also provide good information to the public on their website.
Website - Disability - Australian Government
24 April 2015
The Commonwealth government department (for people from everywhere in Australia) which works on disability policy and supports is the Department of Social Services. You might like to go straight to the Disability and Carers section of the Department of Social Services website.
Website - Mental Health Australia
23 April 2015
Mental Health Australia is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector.