Easy English
Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Policy Framework
14 August 2015
An important part of the support the NDIS provides has to do with help from the community, families and carers. They want to make sure that people have access to the information they need, and they want to create better connections and networks between people with disability and the community. They would also like to help people gain the skills and types of knowledge that are needed to help support people with disability. They call this level of support Information, Linkages and Capacity Building, or ILC. In the past people called this "Tier 2".
Fact sheet - How to complain about a service to the NSW Ombudsman - Easy English
14 July 2015
- live in NSW
- are unhappy with a service you get through the NDIS
You can tell the NSW Ombudsman that you are not happy, and they will help you make a complaint. This fact sheet tells you more about what that all means, and what to do.
Fact sheet - How do I make my plan happen? Easy English
13 July 2015
How do I make my plan happen? is a four-page fact sheet that is in Easy English. That means it is easy to read. It has pictures and big, clear writing.
It tells you about what to do after your NDIS plan is finished.
Fact sheet - Can I get the NDIS? Easy English
12 July 2015
Can I get the NDIS? is a five-page fact sheet that is in Easy English. That means it is easy to read. It has pictures and big, clear writing.
It tells you about who can get the NDIS.
Fact sheet - What if I am not happy with the NDIS? Easy English
12 July 2015
What if I am not happy with the NDIS? is a six-page fact sheet that is in Easy English. That means it is easy to read. It has pictures and big, clear writing.
It tells you about what you can do if you are not happy with something about the NDIS.
Fact sheet - How do I manage funding? Easy English
12 July 2015
How do I manage funding? is a five-page fact sheet that is in Easy English. That means it is easy to read. It has pictures and big, clear writing.
It tells you about how to look after money from the NDIS.
Fact sheet - What should I know about plans? Easy English
11 July 2015
What should I know about plans? is a six-page fact sheet that is in Easy English. That means it is easy to read. It has pictures and big, clear writing.
It tells you what an NDIS plan is, and what you have to do to make one.
Website - My Choice Matters
5 June 2015
My Choice Matters is a website made by the same people that made My Learning Matters. My Choice Matters is a website with lots of information and resources to help people with disability get the most out of the changing disability system, including the NDIS.
Website - My Learning Matters
4 June 2015
My Learning Matters is a new website made by the same people that made My Choice Matters. My Learning Matters is a new website with lots of information and resources to help people with disability get the most out of the changing disability system, including the NDIS.
Website - Healthy Active Life
25 April 2015
This website talks about the ways to get support in different parts of your life. It has some short videos and no writing.