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About the NDIS

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Fact sheet - Accessing the NDIS (5 of 5)

2 March 2016

A monitor with a fact sheet, and New South Wales with NDIS in it.

The New South Wales (NSW) Government has produced a series of 5 fact sheets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities from NSW.

This is Fact sheet 5: Accessing the NDIS


Fact sheet - What is the NDIS? (3 of 5)

2 March 2016

A monitor with a fact sheet, and New South Wales with NDIS in it.

The New South Wales (NSW) Government has produced a series of 5 fact sheets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities from NSW.

This is Fact sheet 3: What is the NDIS?


Video - Auslan - The rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in NSW

2 March 2016

A monitor with Australian (with a circle in the middle akin to the Australian Aboriginal flag), a video 'play' button, and the symbol for Open CaptionsInformation about the roll out of the NDIS in New South Wales is available in this 7:27 minute long Auslan video (with hard-coded subtitles). 



Guide: Mental Health Carers NDIS Guide

18 November 2015

A monitor, with a booklet, 'ndis', and a person's head with cogs in it.Mental Health Australia and Carers Australia have developed a Guide for Mental Health Carers on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), to prepare for NDIS assessment and planning meetings.


Checklist: Mental Health Carers NDIS Checklist

18 November 2015

A monitor, with a checklist, 'ndis', and a person's head with cogs in it.Mental Health Australia and Carers Australia have developed a Checklist for Mental Health Carers on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), to prepare for NDIS assessment and planning meetings.


Webpage - NDIS in NSW

22 September 2015

A monitor with New South Wales, with N D I S in it.This page from the NDIS website gives you detailed information about how the NDIS will roll out across New South Wales. There is a video (with captions), rural and metropolitan interactive maps, and information packs for people with disabilities and for service providers, as well as a link to the bilateral agreement documents. 


Webpage - NDIS in Victoria

22 September 2015

A monitor with Victoria, with N D I S in it.This page from the NDIS website vgives you detailed information about how the NDIS will roll out across Victoria. There is a video (with captions), rural and metropolitan interactive maps, and information packs for people with disabilities and for service providers, as well as a link to the bilateral agreement documents. 


Booklet - NDIS: Your questions answered

7 September 2015

A monitor, a booklet, and 'ndis'.Every Australian Counts has made an information pack about the NDIS. It answers questions about how the NDIS will work, what supports will be available, and how to access it.


Website - Reasonable and Necessary

7 September 2015

A monitor showing someone working on a painting, with 'ndis' above it.Reasonable and Necessary is an art project that people with disability can participate in. It is meant to help you with the first stage of planning in the NDIS, where you have to think about your needs and goals.


Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Policy Framework

14 August 2015

A monitor with a hand holding a symbol that represents 'information', and 'ndis'.An important part of the support the NDIS provides has to do with help from the community, families and carers. They want to make sure that people have access to the information they need, and they want to create better connections and networks between people with disability and the community. They would also like to help people gain the skills and types of knowledge that are needed to help support people with disability. They call this level of support Information, Linkages and Capacity Building, or ILC. In the past people called this "Tier 2".


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