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NDIS Understanding Workshops

Over three days from 23 May 2016, Melbourne based staff and volunteer trainers from community information, capacity building, and advocacy organisations who work directly to inform people with disability and their families about the NDIS will be able to build their capacity in a series of free half-day workshops. The workshops will be progressively rolled out in each Australian capital city over the next few months. The next series is expected to be delivered in Canberra in the week of 20 June, although this is not confirmed. Make sure you are subscribed to the Disability Loop eNews so you find about your state or territory quickly.
The NDIS Understanding series are ‘Train the trainer’ workshops that provide the information and resources organisations need to inform people with disability and families about the NDIS. These are particularly important now that changes to the ‘Participant Pathway’ is changing with the ‘transition to full Scheme’ in July 2016.

There are six (6) half day NDIS Understanding train the trainer workshops. The Melbourne workshops will be held over three days (23-25 May 2016) at the Jasper Hotel in Melbourne

  1. How does the NDIS work?
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    Improve understanding on how the NDIS works. This session provides an overview of the NDIS with an emphasis on access and planning. 
    23 May 9:30am – 12:30pm
    Eventbrite - How does the NDIS work? NDIS Train the trainer workshop 1 of 6  
  2. Reasonable and necessary 
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    It is hard to understand what ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports means in the NDIS. This session helps you explain it clearly. 
    23 May 2:00pm – 5:00pm
    Eventbrite - Reasonable and necessary: NDIS Train the trainer workshop 2 of 6
  3. Planning and standing strong 
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    The NDIS Planning process can seem complicated. This session breaks down the steps so you can help Participants get ready.
    24 May 9:30am – 12:30pm
    Eventbrite - Planning and standing strong: NDIS Train the trainer workshop 3 of 6  
  4. I have my Plan, what now?
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    People with disability have choice and control in the NDIS. This session talks about making all the decisions needed to activate a Plan.
    24 May 2:00pm – 5:00pm
    Eventbrite - I have my Plan, what now? NDIS Train the trainer workshop 4 of 6  
  5. Plan Management explained 
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    All NDIS Participants need to manage the money part of their NDIS Plan. This session discusses the pros and cons of the options available. 
    25 May 9:30am – 12:30pm
    Eventbrite - Plan management explained: NDIS Train the trainer workshop 5 of 6  
  6. Is self-management for me?
    [view PDF flyer] [register]
    Self-management of an NDIS Plan is not as hard as many people think. This session helps you support a Participant to make this decision. 
    25 May 2:00pm – 5:00pm
    Eventbrite - Is self-mangement for me? NDIS Train the trainer workshop 6 of 6

People are welcome to register for some or all of the workshops but, due to limited places, registration for one person only per organisation per workshop will be accepted.
Please note that due to project focus and scope, we regret that these workshops are not open to interested service provider agencies. However, a separate open event is being planned in Melbourne for 7-9 June. Make sure you are subscribed to the Disability Loop eNews so you hear about these first. 

These workshops have been developed in response to feedback that people with disability and families often prefer to get information and training from a trusted local community organisation. Therefore, the workshops focus on the information and resources needed by these organisations to be able to deliver this training locally. This means the workshops are specifically for organisations and not for individuals with disability or family and supporters who are looking to be better informed. Make sure you are subscribed to the Disability Loop eNews where the direct training versions of these workshops delivered by the local community organisations will be promoted.